Human brain and DNA helix illustration, neuroscience and genetics concept. Human brain and DNA helix illustration, neuroscience and genetics concept.

Beyond Consciousness: Can the Body Survive Without the Brain?

The first question that arises in our minds is whether there is a possibility to survive without a brain and whether the body can actually function at all if there is no functioning of the brain. Well, I don’t think so, because the brain controls the nervous system of our body. And how is it possible for our body to function without a brain? I hope you also agree with me.

After all, I’m not saying this just like that. But, our team researched this topic and also talked to experts.

So, let us understand what the actual mechanism of body survival is with and without the brain. How does the body survive, and how does the brain actually die? First, let us begin by understanding what exactly the brain stem is, how it functions, and how it helps us to survive. 

Let Me Explain to You the Brain Stem

The part of the brain that is connected to the spinal cord is known as the brain stem. Basically, it is the connection of the central nervous system and is a very important part of the body as it is involved in regulating the bodily functions that are the most necessary for our survival.

These body functions are the ones that actually appear to be automatic in our lives, like swallowing, breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. Obviously, nobody taught us how to breathe, but every person knows how to do it from the moment they are born, and if, in any case, they cannot, then they can not survive.

Human Brain Anatomy Labels
Source: Depositphotos

In addition to this, the brain stem also transports information to the entire body, and this relay is necessary for the existence of the brain as a functional organ. Since it also performs core functions like keeping you aware and conscious, once your brain dies, you can not remain conscious, and you can not really survive.

What is Brain Stem Death?

Any person who no longer has a functioning brain stem and can not breathe, plus has no potential to stay conscious, is said to have a dead brain stem. So, how do we know or tell someone?

Earlier, it used to be very easy to confirm the death of the brain stem. All you had to check was if the heart stopped beating and the person was no longer breathing. Once the doctor claims these two, it is obvious that there is a deficit of oxygen, and the complete functioning has collapsed.

But now, the confirmation of death has become very complex due to the introduction of ventilators. The ventilators function in such a manner that they can keep the heart functioning even in the absence of a functioning brain stem. It basically helps in oxygenating the brain and the body artificially and keeps the blood flowing.

What needs to be kept in mind, though, is that a person who has once lost a functioning brain stem can not reverse the action in any manner, and their heart will stop beating as soon as the ventilator is removed. However, it is only removed once there is clarity that the brain is dead.

Brain Death and Knowing If You Can Survive

Let us see the ways or reasons for brain death.

  • Primarily, these are related to your heart’s functioning. So, if you have a cardiac arrest, then your heart stops beating, and the brain is starved of oxygen, and you can not survive in some cases.
  • The second is when you have a heart attack, and the supply of blood to the heart is blocked. The third case is when you have a stroke; in such a case, the blood supply to the brain is blocked as well.
  • Some other reasons can be a severe head injury or a brain hemorrhage, and if there is a blood clot in any of the blood vessels, it prevents the flow of blood or blocks it from flowing in your body. It can also happen due to infections like encephalitis and brain tumors.
Lateral Skull Xray Stroke Highlight
Source: Depositphotos

The Icy Whiz team interviewed Billy Litmer, Founder of Honest Eco Tours, and discussed this topic. Here is what he said:

Billy Litmer - Featured
Billy Litmer

“Honestly, this is a fascinating topic that requires more research. The brain is responsible for a range of functions including thought, movement, and maintaining essential bodily operations like blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and organ function.

When the brain ceases to function, the body’s organs will eventually fail. Extensive artificial medical support is necessary to keep organs functioning, but even then, these measures are only temporary.

It’s strange but possible to live with parts of the brain missing! However, brain death is a more complex issue. Consider a case from 2014: a 24-year-old woman in China went to the hospital complaining of nausea and dizziness.

A CT scan revealed that she was born without a cerebellum but had lived a normal life, unaware of her condition.

This is possible because brain functions are not solely confined to one part; they’re distributed throughout the brain. A remarkable aspect of the brain is its ability to adapt, a process known as neuroplasticity.

However, as most scientists would agree, brain death is considered true death, and there should be no ambiguity. For instance, a diagnosis of brain death can be profoundly confusing and overwhelming for families.

In some states, unlike Maryland, doctors are required to accommodate families who, for religious reasons, refuse to accept a diagnosis of brain death.”

Diagnosing If the Brain Stem Is Dead

First, before you actually declare that a person’s brain or brain stem is dead, there are some checks that need to be done to make sure that the brain-dead-like symptoms are not caused by anything else.

Man Refusing Drugs Anti Addiction Campaign
Source: Depositphotos

This includes factors like an overdose of toxic drugs, poisons, chemicals, and tranquilizers. You also have to check for hypothermia and the activity of the thyroid gland.

These are some things that first need to be checked before running any tests because some of them can be false factors, and the person will be able to survive once the condition is restored to a little normal.

For actual testing of the brain stem’s death, if a person does not respond to outside stimulation and is unconscious or his/her heartbeat and breathing are controlled/carried out by using a ventilator only, it is very clear evidence that there is serious damage in the brain. And a very low chance that a person will survive once these are ticked.

How Long can the Body Survive without a Brain
– Source: Pixabay

If we have to answer the question that we have been pondering in the article, then it is not really definitive that a body can survive without a brain.

It is basically just a hit-and-trial kind of process, even on a ventilator. Indeed, if we look at cases where patients are put on ventilators, then there is only a very small chance that they can recover even after the ventilator is removed. Sometimes, doctors in hospitals put patients on ventilators for a little longer time than necessary because they do not want to give the news of their demise, and families sometimes suddenly can not handle such stresses.

But conclusively, the body can not really survive without a working brain or brain stem as it is the organ that controls all bodily functions, which are voluntary and involuntary. So, hindrances in any of them would create a pause in survival and existence.

Guest Author: Saket Kumar

Last Updated on May 18, 2024 by Pragya


Anushree Khandelwal
  1. Brain is the CPU of our body and our body cannot function without brain. The article explains about the functions of brain and necessity of it for our life. And about ventilator it can only help heart to beat but if the brain is dead it is similar to person dead even if the heart is beating. Heart will stop beating soon after our brain is dead.

  2. The notion of the body surviving without a brain has been a topic of curiosity among my friends and something I see often in movies. The information provided clarified that the body cannot truly survive without a functional brain or brain stem. The article succinctly highlights the critical role of the brain as the command center, overseeing both voluntary and involuntary bodily functions. Understanding that any impediment in these functions could disrupt the delicate balance necessary for survival has given me a newfound clarity on the subject. It’s enlightening to have a reliable source demystify this aspect of human anatomy, dispelling misconceptions and providing a coherent perspective on the indispensable role of the brain in sustaining life.

    1. I find this article really fasinating and helpful in explaining how our bodies need a working brain, especially the brain stem, to survive. It breaks down complex things like brain death and diagnosis in a way that’s easy to grasp. It’s interesting to learn about the different situations, like cardiac arrest or infections, that can lead to brain death. Overall, it gives a clear picture that our bodies can’t really make it without a functioning brain.

  3. The brain stem, connecting the spinal cord, regulates vital functions like breathing and heartbeat, ensuring our survival. Brain stem death, characterized by the cessation of these functions, marks the end of a person’s ability to remain conscious and survive. Modern challenges arise with ventilators maintaining heart function, making the determination of brain death complex.

  4. We can’t survive without our brain..It is like the centre point of all our bodily functions. Brain is quite a complex part of human body.

  5. The article concludes by acknowledging the uncertainty around how long a body can survive without a brain. It appropriately highlights the challenges of recovery, even with the use of ventilators, and emphasizes the irreplaceable role of the brain in controlling both voluntary and involuntary bodily functions.

  6. I believe that every human being cannot live without a brain. it’s because the Brain is the center part in our body. the vital organ

  7. “The author’s personal touch throughout the article made it even more engaging to read. Their anecdotes and reflections on the topic added a layer of humanity to the scientific discussion, making it relatable and accessible to a wider audience. This article is a testament to the power of storytelling and its ability to connect with readers on an emotional level.”

  8. This article explores the concept of brain death and its implications on the survival of the body. It is well-organized with a clear table of contents, allowing readers to navigate through different sections easily.

  9. Whereas I know that the brain is an important part of the body, there is something I didn’t understand until I read this post. The brain is also responsible for other body functions. Therefore, it is hard if not impossible, for your body to survive without a brain.

  10. As of according to the article above the brain is the main unit of the body and coming to the question of how long a body survive without a brain is utterly we can’t say it is not possible but in some cases it may be possible . As explained in the article about the biological facts like brain stem heart and brain connections and how long a body can suvive without the brain all of it’s eventually concludes that ( if we make biological parts apart ) a humbeing can live without a brain if he / she has that will .

  11. As of according to the article above the brain is the main unit of the body and coming to the question of how long a body survive without a brain is utterly we can’t say it is not possible but in some cases it may be possible . As explained in the article about the biological facts like brain stem heart and brain connections and how long a body can suvive without the brain all of it’s eventually concludes that ( if we make biological parts apart ) a humbeing can live without a brain if he / she has that will .

  12. It’s a curious thing whether the body can survive without the functioning of the brain. The introduction of ventilators made it a subject to study. Many of the private hospitals using it to make money, as they put the patient in a ventilator for days even after the brain death. It’s a good topic to discuss.

  13. Our brain is like the control center of our body, right? So, when the brain stops working, it’s like the whole show comes to an end—just like real death. This article is packed with all the details about the anatomic information of the human brain and how it’s connected to run the whole body.

  14. Amazing article, as expected from icy whiz, i love these kids of article, which shows facts and i like to learn about human body however i am not a biology student, but its just so fascinating and amusing. great article once again, learned a lot from it.

  15. This blog provided such an eye-opening perspective on the critical role of the brain and its impact on our survival. It’s incredible to learn how the brain stem controls our essential functions. This piece truly highlights the fragility and complexity of life. Really makes you appreciate the marvel of our bodies and the importance of brain health.”

  16. your article provides a factual and accessible explanation of the body’s dependence on the brain. The mentioned additions could enrich the information by clarifying definitions, exploring ethical considerations, mentioning alternative support options, and acknowledging potential future advancements.

  17. I find this article really helpful in explaining how our bodies need a working brain, especially the brain stem, to survive. It breaks down complex things like brain death and diagnosis in a way that’s easy to grasp. It’s interesting to learn about the different situations, like cardiac arrest or infections, that can lead to brain death. Overall, it gives a clear picture that our bodies can’t really make it without a functioning brain.

  18. Even though I do wish that we were like Cockroaches which can survive without a head for a great amount of time, many of our important functions are still controlled by our brain which is why we cannot really survive without a brain for too long. This was a highly intriguing and informative article.

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