Cartoon brain with ice effect experiencing brain freeze. Cartoon brain with ice effect experiencing brain freeze.

Can You Die From Brain Freeze?Expert Advice on Prevention and Relief

Does it ever happen that you are happily enjoying your chilled drink or having an ice cream, and suddenly you have an acute headache, like a striking pain? That is what we call a brain freeze. Luckily I haven’t ever experienced this, but my friend has a couple of times.

You will be surprised to know that over 40% of people suffer from brain freeze! And it can be you, too. I’ll tell you more about it in this article.

Sometimes, brain freeze is also referred to as an ice cream headache, and the nerve involved is known as the trigeminal nerve.  Scientifically, this phenomenon is known as Sphenopalatine Ganglion(SPG) neuralgia, commonly occurring when something cold touches the roof of your mouth (palate).  It happens because the blood vessels in the palate constrict when exposed to cold and then rapidly dilate when warmed, causing extreme discomfort.

When the blood vessels get constricted, the pain receptors get activated, so this sends signals to the nerves of the face and the head, which leads to pain in the forehead, temples, and face.

The Duration and Symptoms of a Brain Freeze

Now that you know, that is not a feeling that some people feel but a proven scientific fact. The next question that will arise in your mind is how long this lasts and what the other symptoms are that accompany a brain freeze. 

So, usually, a brain freeze does not last longer than 30-40 seconds, but if we see the whole process, that is, the cold peak rising from the extremely cold stimulus to it slowly fading out, it can take a couple of minutes too. 

During this cold strike in your head, you feel like your brain is throbbing; you can feel that sensation and pain. It is not limited to the forehead but to the temples; it becomes quite distressing. 

We interviewed Alex Constantinou, Managing Director at The Fitness Circle, and asked him about his experience with brain freeze. Here is what he had to say:

Alex Constantinou - Featured
Alex Constantinou

“In my experience, brain freeze can be quite discomforting, often triggered by consuming cold foods or drinks too quickly.

When faced with this sensation, I’ve personally found that applying gentle pressure to the roof of my mouth with my tongue or sipping on something warm, can alleviate the discomfort effectively.

Additionally, taking slow, deep breaths and allowing the sensation to naturally subside has been my go-to strategy. 

As someone who has dealt with brain freeze before, I understand the importance of raising awareness about its potential causes among the general public. Many individuals may not realize that brain freeze stems from the rapid cooling of the palate and blood vessels in the head. 

Educating people about how to prevent it could significantly enhance their dining experiences. Therefore, based on my expertise and knowledge, spreading awareness about brain freeze and its triggers is essential for promoting mindful eating habits and reducing discomfort.”

How to Alleviate Brain Freeze?

Although we know that it is transient, some people can be very sensitive or may experience it many times. So, what is the solution if you go through this painful sensation every time? Well, there is no solution. There is a simple process to alleviate brain freeze that you can follow to relieve yourself from the pain. As we read above, due to the extreme cold, the blood vessels get constricted. To dilate them, they need something hot.

To facilitate that, press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and you will feel instant relief; sometimes, placing your hand over your mouth can help trap the warm air and speed up the process. The brain freeze pain is short-lived, and by the time any medicine has an effect, the pain and the sensation are gone. Also, it would be unnecessary to just take medicine for such a small problem. Your body should be able to handle such small amounts of pain. It is not so excruciating that a person might soothe it with a medicine.

As my friend experienced a brain freeze due to the consumption of an icy cold drink, I advised her to take slow and small sips of the drink. As in this manner, she will not cause sudden temperature shocks for her palette, and reduce the chances of a brain freeze. People with migraine sometimes are said to be more susceptible to brain freeze issues, but it is not a problem for them.

Brain Freeze
Source: Depositphotos

You will be surprised that Dr. Jorge Serrador, a cardiovascular electronics researcher, concluded that scientists have not fully understood the real cause of brain freeze. They studied the brain freeze sensation, which appears to be caused by a dramatic and sudden increase in blood flow through the brain’s anterior cerebral artery. The sensation goes off as soon as the artery constricts.

The Icy Whiz team interviewed Catherine Rall, Certified Nutritionist at Happy V, and asked her about brain freeze experiences and remedies. Here is what she said:

Catherine Rall
Catherine Rall

“The key to preventing brain freeze is simply taking your time when consuming cold foods or drinks. Brain freeze happens when a nerve in the roof of our mouth gets too cold, and when we take big bites or gulps of cold things, it’s much more likely to get pressed up against that nerve.

Smaller bites and sips will keep this from happening. If you do get a brain freeze, one simple way to help it pass more quickly is to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth to help warm up that nerve.”

So, Can One Die From Brain Freeze?

You might have come across this question while reading the article. Well, brain freezes are mostly harmless. If you ever experience severe, persistent headaches or intense pain unrelated to cold food or beverages, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. 

Brain Freeze
Source: Depositphotos

These headaches could be indicative of other underlying health issues that require attention. You might be having issues with your teeth or your nervous system. Getting a professional checkup will help you understand it better and get the correct diagnosis on time.

David Hill, MD, Plastic Surgeon and Medical Director at Fulcrum Aesthetics & Surgery, talked about the brain freeze concept in an interview with the Icy Whiz team. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

David Hill, MD - Featured
David Hill, MD

“Brain freeze, a common occurrence triggered by consuming cold substances quickly, results from the rapid constriction of blood vessels in the roof of the mouth, leading to a sharp, headache-like pain.

To alleviate this, press the tongue against the roof of the mouth to warm it, or drink something at a warmer temperature. 

While brain freeze is harmless and brief, greater public awareness could help mitigate discomfort and alleviate concerns over sudden headache symptoms.”

The Icy Solution!

In conclusion, the icy discomfort caused during a brain freeze is an unwelcome interruption during your frozen treat indulgence. However, it won’t lead to any life-threatening situations. Armed with a better understanding of the science behind it and some quick relief strategies, you can tackle brain freezes with confidence.

So, go ahead, enjoy your ice pops without fear, and remember, moderation is the key to keeping those brain freezes at bay. Consult a doctor only in case of any extraordinary situation like increased breathing or symptoms like arterial fibrillation. This could mean that the situation has a deeper meaning and the cause could also be different, thereby requiring a different type of treatment.

Guest Author: Saket Kumar

Last Updated on May 18, 2024 by Pragya


Anushree Khandelwal
  1. What a fascinating insight into brain freeze! The trigeminal nerve’s role and the vascular response to cold exposure make it clear. The article’s tips for relief, like pressing the tongue on the palate, provide practical solutions. It’s reassuring to know that, despite the discomfort, brain freeze is transient and manageable.

  2. This article is very helpful. Some studies suggest that patients who experience migraine headaches may be more susceptible to brain freeze headaches. In general, it is a very quick pain that dissipates in minutes. When you’re feeling brain freeze, remove the cold trigger and press your tongue or thumb to the roof of your mouth to warm it up. You also can drink warm or room-temperature water.

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