Red pedicure with daisy decorations on grass background. Red pedicure with daisy decorations on grass background.

How to Get Rid Of Dead Skin On Feet? Some Effective Solutions

I have noticed many people who do not prefer wearing open toes or other fancy footwear. And the reason they give is they have dry or not-so-beautiful feet. But who is responsible for that? I wonder when people tell me that they don’t have enough time to take care of their feet. However, I feel maybe that’s not their priority or they are unaware of the benefits of foot care.

But there will be people who are doing a lot of skincare and still feel the same, so is it only care that will change the condition of your feet? Now, that’s a bit confusing. Right? Do you also face the same problem? Don’t worry!

Here, I’ll explain to you everything about the dead and dry skin on your feet.

I’ll Start with the Causes of Dead Skin on Feet

The primary cause of dry, flaky, and cracked skin on the feet is the lack of moisture. The glands on the feet do not secrete that much moisture in the form of oil as compared to other body parts, which is specifically the case for the heel and sole portion. There are many other reasons also-

  • If your shoes do not fit you properly and you are wearing them for too long.
  • Standing for a long duration then puts pressure on your feet which causes friction of the skin, which in turn leads to drying of that area of your feet, leading to cracked feet.
  • As we grow older our skin’s ability to retain water reduces and it gets less plump and becomes thinner. So, with age, the drying is just because of the skin aging even without any other reason.
  • There are also a lot of medicines that have the same effect as diuretics, they also make the feet’ skin dry.
  • If our feet remain very closed or stay in enclosed spaces too much like sneakers and boots; it creates a very humid and hot environment for them. This expels moisture from the skin leaving them dry and cracky.
  • Even if you’re using soaps or body washes that are harsh then they draw moisture from the feet making them flaky and dry.

These Easy Methods Can Prevent Dry Skin on Feet

I recommend you try a few everyday things to prevent cracked and flaky feet:

  • Always pay extra attention to your foot hygiene, and follow a proper routine, including thoroughly cleaning the feet, hydrating and moisturizing them, and timely exfoliation to remove dead skin cells.
  • Try using more soft and natural products instead of soaps and lotions which are highly fragrant as these contain chemicals and alcohol which can be irritants.
  • When soaking feet or washing them use warm water and not hot water as it leads to skin drying and after a soak, dry pat them gently and not in a hard rubbing manner.

However, There Could be Some Medical Reasons Also Behind Your Dead Skin on Feet

There are a lot of medical conditions that also can lead to dead skin on feet. One of these is; an Athlete’s Foot which is basically a fungal infection that has symptoms like a scaly rash that develops under the foot or between the toes.

Eczema is another very common reason it is basically a type of skin inflammation or dermatitis. It can happen anywhere on the body, although on the feet it makes them crusty, flaky, and sometimes itchy. And just like eczema psoriasis can also happen anywhere on the body and it causes thick scaly skin patches.

Are you a diabetic? Then let me tell you that Diabetes can also be a reason. I am saying this because when it is uncontrolled it leads to neuropathy which is basically nerve damage. It affects the oil and moisture regulation in the feet and makes them dry and cracked.

Similarly, someone suffering from thyroid also has an irregular working of the sweat glands due to the thyroid gland functioning in that manner which leads to drying of the feet skin.

I’ll Tell You Some More Effective Solutions

You can use a pumice stone to remove the dead skin on your feet. All you have to do is dip it in warm water so that it can be used to remove the dead skin on your feet. Also, dip your feet first in warm water so they become soft and exfoliation becomes easy, and after cleaning make sure to moisturize your feet.

Paraffin wax is also a very good method to remove dead skin on feet and to use at home, dip your feet several times in the wax after melting it so that you have a few layers deposited. Now wrap your feet with plastic, when you remove the plastic, the wax makes all the damaged skin come out, thus making your feet clean and soft.

The foot scrub is the easiest and the quickest method you can use like some homemade scrubs or even the ones available in the market, but after scrubbing rinse thoroughly and then moisturize.

Along with scrubbing, you can also use soaking mechanisms like Epsom salt to make the process more efficient and relaxing. You can also use soaking individually like using vinegar, baking soda, or lemon. But with all these materials you need to make sure that it suits your skin. As there is a possibility that if you have allergies baking soda might make it worse. Similarly, with lemon, you can have redness and skin irritation.

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Source- Pixabay

Although razors and scrapers can also be used to remove dead skin and callouses, until you do not know how to use them correctly it is not advised to use the same, because you can easily injure yourself.

I would suggest you either learn how to use these instruments with precision or get it done by a professional like a pedicurist or nail technician. Removing the dead skin is not a big deal if properly handled.

Last Updated on May 9, 2024 by Pragya


Anushree Khandelwal
  1. All the precautions and hacks described are amazing. Helped a lot. Please write an article about the causes of dry and dehydrated skin in winter and narrate the hacks to resolve it.

  2. Understanding the causes of dead skin on feet, such as lack of moisture and external factors like ill-fitting shoes, emphasizes the importance of proper foot care. The provided tips on preventing dry skin offer practical solutions, emphasizing hygiene, hydration, and choosing gentle products. Promoting awareness about foot health can contribute to overall well-being.

  3. The inclusion of preventative measures is particularly helpful, emphasizing the importance of foot hygiene, the use of gentle products, and proper hydration. The cautionary notes about potential skin reactions to certain substances demonstrate a thoughtful approach to skincare. Furthermore, the article wisely advises against using razors or scrapers without proper knowledge, promoting safety, and encouraging readers to seek professional help if needed.

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